Time Out for Summer Vacay!

The New Deli will be closed Friday, June 14 through Monday, June 17. Off to refresh and hang out in the wilderness with the family for a bit!

As per usual, we’ll be back Tuesday. Meanwhile, what’s been going on since that February post detailing Tom’s health scare adventure? Thankfully, it’s all good. I’ve been gardening and grand-babysitting more (though still doing the New Deli sprout-growing and office work), while Tom’s doing what he loves- greeting the many New Deli regulars, meeting new ones, and keeping the deli afloat.

We’ve wondered how long we’ll be able to keep doing this, as the deli’s 40th anniversary approaches (next year!). Lord willing, we’ll keep going. (After all, what other local business is providing homemade food made with 100% olive oil, organic greens, and other fresh stuff, with minimal processing and additives?!)

The New Deli Board, Almost 40 Years

Hopefully we’ll still be rejoicing, even in the challenges, ironies and unknowns. My garden’s a good example- it’s pretty amazing right now (if I do say so myself). Some of the lessons learned have grieved me a bit in the process. But that garden is wrought from the lessons learned, and the grace of God.

So many lessons…

  • Don’t try to raise BSF (soldier flies) in the closet, to feed to your chickens, if you’re not in the tropics. (Unless you don’t care that the space heater is also heating the whole room up to about 100° and is probably not cost-effective.)
  • Don’t put up a (cheap-ish) hoop house thinking the up-to-55mph winds will not tear it to shreds. (Even if you imagined a handy green-house effect in blustery Pinole.)
  • Don’t put in a pond without doing more research than you did writing your last thesis.

That’s just my latest lessons- whew! But now the chickens are still getting fed well (extra leftover crops from the garden), the heat-loving veggies are growing (in a different, warmer spot), and the pond is clear (meaning- it’s not a swamp like in the old days!).

Psalm 30:5 says, “His anger lasts only a moment, his goodness for a lifetime. Tears may flow in the night, but joy comes in the morning.” Yay.

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